The National Eucharistic Pilgrimage will be moving through the Diocese of Des Moines Sunday, June 23rd through Tuesday, June 25th on its way to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Join the parishes of Council Bluffs, Glenwood, Imogene, and Shenandoah to be with Jesus and the Catholics of our Diocese as we process, celebrate Mass, and participate in Holy Hours and overnight adoration.
The Iowa March for Life will be Saturday, June 22nd. Join those showing their support for the value and dignity of human life by attending the 1:00 PM rally and 1:45 PM walk at the Iowa State Capitol Rotunda.
Catholic Charities is providing assistance to those within our Diocese devasted by recent tornados. Please click on this announcement for a link to the grant assistance application. We pray the Lord will bring comfort to all those affected.